Effect of Organizaional Development Towards Organizational Commitment: Moderating Role of Personality
Organizational rewards, Career growth, Customer service, Personality, Organizational commitmentAbstract
The current economic landscape has presented many challenges, leading to heightened employee mobility as individuals seek better opportunities and working conditions. This study examines the relationship between organizational development and employee commitment with reference to seven (7) general hospitals in Katsina State. The study is quantitative and simple random sampling technique was utilized. Three hundred and fifty (350) copies of questionnaire were administered to staff of seven general hospitals in Katsina State. Data collected were analysed using SPSS and SMART-PLS. The findings of the study revealed that reward system, career growth and customer service have significant relationship with organizational commitment. Moreover, the study also revealed that personality moderate the relationship of reward systems and career growth towards organizational commitment. While there is no moderation effect of personality on customer service towards organizational commitment. This means that, employees that enjoys effective reward system, having chances to achieve their career aspiration tend to show high level of commitment to the commitment, which in turn ensure retention and organizational effectiveness. The research recommends that organisations should design and ensure effective implementation of organizational development strategies in order to enhance the commitment of workers, ensure retention and organizational effectiveness.
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