The Impact of Internally Generated Revenue on Service Delivery in Sokoto State


  • Mande Dambuwa Kabiru Department of Accounting, Faculty of Management Sciences, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, Nigeria
  • Abdulkadir Ladan Aminu Department of Business & Management Studies Ummaru Ali Shinkafi Polytechnic Sokoto, Nigeria
  • Yahaya Yusuf Department of Accounting, Faculty of Management Sciences, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, Nigeria



Internally generated revenue and Service delivery


The study examine the importance of internally generated revenue (IGR) on service delivery in Sokoto state. The study employed both primary and secondary methods of data collection. Primary data were obtained from the officials of the state board of internal revenue, while secondary data were sourced from the state’s financial statements and reports.The study used regression analysis and correlation coefficients to evaluate the level of relationship between the variables. The finding, highlights how little internally generated revenue affects Sokoto State's service delivery, the inefficiencies and offering potential solutions. The study suggests that Sokoto State should enhance its IGR policy direction in order to provide good and services to the peoples. The study also recommended using all of the IGR's components to finance Sokoto State's capital expenditures, to lessen the impact of declining Federation account allocation.


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How to Cite

Kabiru, M. D., Aminu, A. L., & Yusuf, Y. (2025). The Impact of Internally Generated Revenue on Service Delivery in Sokoto State. UMYU Journal of Accounting and Finance Research, 7(1), 30–44.