Analysis of the Relationship between Contingecy Factors and Non-Financial Performance of Listed Manufacturing Firms in Lagos, Nigeria.
Performance measurement system, contingency factors, non-financial performance, PLS-SEMAbstract
The objectives of this study were to examine; the linkage between contingency factors, performance measurement system and non-financial performance and to evaluate how performance measurement system moderate the relationship between contingency factors and non-financial performance among listed manufacturing firms in Lagos, Nigeria. Data were collected through a self- administered survey of 168 respondents from listed manufacturing firms in Lagos, Nigeria, and analysis was carried out using PLS-SEM. The target respondents were accountants, auditors and managers of the sampled firms. The result of hypothesis one showed that contingency factors (external environment, employees training and organisational culture) have significant impact on non-financial performance as indicated by their respective P-Value of less than 5% and hypothesis two showed that performance measurement system significantly moderated the relationship between contingency factor and non-financial performance as shown in the result of the findings as a result of its calculated P values of three (3) out of the five (5), contingency factors showing 0.000˃ 0.05. Stakeholders of manufacturing firms should ensure that, the non-financial measures are adequately sustained and that organisational strategy cum employees training should be closely monitored for better oriental result.
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