Entrepreneurship Orientation and SMEs Performance of Katsina State Nigeria: a Proposed Framework.
Autonomy, competitive aggressiveness, risk-taking, performance of SMEsAbstract
The purpose of this paper was to conceptually investigate the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and SME performance in Nigeria. The methodology used to achieve this goal is a review of related national and international literature on the variables affecting the performance of SMEs. After critically analyzing the literature, the paper has found that SMEs are a very important sector in the development of any economy, and risk-taking, creativity, competitive aggressiveness, and autonomy are the vital ingredients for successful and outperforming SMEs. As part of the findings of this paper, there may be a positive and significant relationship between risk-taking, creativity, competitive aggressiveness, autonomy, and SME performance in Nigeria. The study suggests that empirical research be conducted to investigate the extent to which risk-taking, creativity, competitive aggressiveness, and autonomy affect the performance of SMEs in Nigeria.
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