Corporate Attributes and Audit Delay: Evidence from Nigerian Deposit Money Banks
Corporate Attribute, Audit Delay, Money Deposit BanksAbstract
This study evaluates the influence of corporate attributes on audit delay in selected deposit money banks in Nigeria over the period of 2014 to 2018. The study employs panel data approach to analyse the data. The study reveals that banks profitability and size have negative and statistically significant on audit delay. Therefore, the results implies that firms attributes contribute to the audit delay of annual report of the banks in Nigeria. In light of the findings, the study recommends that regulators should set time lines in line with international standard within which corporate bodies should publish their financial reports and enforce the compliance through appropriate and auditors should be made to complete their audit assignments within reasonable period of time to help reduce the total delay in financial reporting. Management should assist the auditors to commence and complete their audit assignments on time.
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