Effect of Audit Committee Meeting, Audit Firm Size on the Timliness of Financial Reporting of Listed Non-Financial Institutions in Nigeria.
audit committee meeting, audit firm’s size, financial reporting timeliness, non-financial institutionsAbstract
The paper investigates the influence of audit committee meeting and audit quality characteristics (audit firm’s size) on financial reporting timeliness of listed non-financial institutions in the study applied GLS regression in the analysis. Secondary source data was used which were sourced from the annual report of a sample of forty-five (45) listed non-financial institutions from 2014 to 2019. The results show that audit committee meeting has a significant positive effect and strongly influencing audit report lag of listed non-financial institution while audit firm size have no significant influence (insignificant negative effect) on audit report lag of listed non-financial institutions in the Nigeria. The paper therefore concludes that audit committee meeting escalate audit report lag of listed non-financial institutions in the Nigeria stock exchange and hence recommended that frequency of audit committee meeting should be increased, while a less attention should be given to audit firm size as it has little or no effect on audit report lag of sampled listed non-financial institution in the Nigeria stock exchange.
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