Nexus between Entreprenuer Orientation and SMES Service Quality: Moderating Role of Multi-Level Conceptualization
SMEs, Service quality, Entrepreneurial OrientationAbstract
The study examines impact of entrepreneurial orientation on service quality of selected SMEs in Federal Capital Territory with the moderating role of multi-level conceptualization. Entrepreneurial orientation was measured using risk-taking, proactiveness and innovativeness, while internal and external conceptualization were used to measure multi-level conceptualization. The population of the study consists of all small-scale enterprise owners in Gwagwalada area council. Simple random technique was used, while the sample size of 422 was arrived at using infinite population sample technique. The study was anchored on resource-based theory. Using regression analysis, we found that innovativeness and proactiveness have positive insignificant influence on service quality, even not significant when combined with multi-level conceptualization. However, risk-taking was having significant relationship with service quality, also positively strong and significant when combined with only internal and conceptualization. The study recommends among other things recommended that, owners-managers ought to invest not only in physical resources but also in intangible resources Such as Research and Development of new products and services in order to seeking for consistence innovation in order to create competitive advantage and eventually promote SMEs service quality. They should ensure that business environment is studied beforeadoption of market strategy in order establish the desired step or option for better service quality.
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